If you’re interested in preserving the environment as much as possible, chances are you’re interested in picking a green design for your next house. While the ‘green’ phase has picked up in popularity, so too has the builders willing to design your next home to green standards. Before you design your next project or have a home built to your specifications, make sure you carefully interview a green builder who is knowledgeable about energy efficient homes and designs. You can begin by taking the following into consideration:

Find an architect who uses the latest technology- Just like you wouldn’t attempt a project without the proper tools, neither should you hire an architect or builder who doesn’t have the latest technology or equipment at their disposal. This applies to both residential builders and commercial builders.

The architect communicates clearly and shares every facet of the design with you. – Remember, your architect is not the one that has to live with the design; you do! Ultimately, you should be able to share your ideas with the architect and not have to babysit them the whole step of the way.

Ask for references- Unless the company or architect/builder has references, you shouldn’t be working with them. While it’s true that everyone has to start somewhere, you don’t want to be the first project; especially if your pockets aren’t bottomless. Go with a tried and true company who knows what they’re doing and be sure to ask for and contact their references.

The builder and the customer should communicate clearly in ensuring the project can be completed at the agreed budget. You don’t want a builder that is heedless of the budget, as this creates disappointment in the buyer once they realize they won’t be able to afford the project. Make sure the agreement is in writing and you both have copies in case things go wrong.

It’s not required, but picking an architect that is certified (and can show proof) by the LEED program means their building practices and designs have been reviewed and approved by the Green Building Council.

Having your next house or company designed by an architect or builder who is familiar with energy efficient designs is not effective in helping to preserve the environment, it’s essential to conserving and producing energy while saving you extra money. A green building offers multiple benefits including:

house icon, red round glossy metallic button, web and mobile app design illustration–              Saving money on energy bills.

–              Reducing energy waste through electricity and water.

–              Reducing waste on extra and often extravagant building materials.

–              Is wallet friendly?

–              A higher return on investment when it comes to selling or renting your next project out.

The ideal architect and builder will work with you to achieve your goals with your next project.  While the green movement may have taken the world by a storm, you don’t have to pay a fortune to get the very best designs at an affordable cost. Research a company thoroughly before signing any contracts and be sure to contact their references to make sure that the customers were happy and are still happy with the completed work.

While we at RPC may not be green architects or builders, we can personally attest to the popularity of the green housing movement. IN an effort to eliminate pollution and environmental harm, people are becoming more aware of our impact on the planet, and have gone out of their way to build or purchase a green house. As such, this has made green built properties extremely profitable. If you would like to learn more, please stay tuned to our regularly updated blog.
